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Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

I did a Past Life Regression with Mark. I purposely waited a few weeks to allow the good things that happened in my session to integrate and others to come forward. I became a Christian at an early age, so reincarnation was not part of my life. Through my awakening, I knew that a PLR was something that I needed to break free and continue my spiritual journey. I always had a fear of water and never chose to swim. I avoided water or stayed in the very shallow end. Seeing movies or pictures of a person submerged was frightening so I would avoid that as well. During my PLR, Mark helped me to go back in my past life where I had drowned. It was not the only time that I had drown in a past life, but it was the first instance. Mark helped me walk through processing the whole event from the past life and into my current life. I have had such a remarkable change in the underlying element of fear that had always been close to the surface. I have a new found strength in voicing my truth and in moving forward in what my personal journey is, not slowing down to hear what object

Diana J - California

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

Past Life Regression Training - Mark V. Johnson is an expert at hypnosis training at the highest levels, such as past-life regression and Life Between Lives. I felt confident with his credentials at the Michael Newton Institute, and was rewarded with an amazing 6 day training with a very special group of fellow students and new friends. Mark provides all the support, guidance, materials, and help that anyone could possibly need to become proficient at their training goals and is easy to work with. The zoom format lost nothing in transmission and makes it much more convenient than traveling to and from another location. I feel I got all I wanted and then some from it all. Highly recommended. Thanks Mark!

AW - Zoom

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Spiritual Connection and Communication Training Online

This Three Day Spiritual Connection and Communication Training provides you with what you need to know to Connect and Communicate with Spirit in Past Life Regression, QHHT and Life Between Lives sessions.

The Spiritual Connection and Communication Training is scheduled for October 11-13, 2024

For information about the Spiritual Connection and Communication Training, please visit Spiritual Connection and Communication Training or perhaps you'd like to Schedule a FREE Visit with Mark so that you can discover more about the Spiritual Connection and Communication Consultation Training.

This class provides detais on connecting and communicating with spirit in Past Life Regression, QHHT and LBL sessions. It is also a great way to prepare to study Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression with The Michael Newton Institute.

To register please complete the information below and tell me more about your hypnotherapy and past life regression training in the message section.

Payment Options
SCC Training $950 After September 11, 2024
SCC Training Deposit $200

Include information about Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression training and experience below.
Deposits and payments are nonfundable but may be applied to another class within 2 years of receipt.

By attending the Spiritual Connection and Communication Training, you will elevate your practice to new heights, offering your clients unparalleled experiences of spiritual growth and healing. This training is your chance to learn advanced techniques that will empower you to establish profound connections with the spiritual realm. We are excited to guide you on this journey of discovery and transformation.

Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your practice and provide your clients with deeper healing and spiritual connection. Submit your tuition now to complete your registration, so that you secure your spot in this transformative training.