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| 214-432-6624
Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Regression

Yes, it was a very powerful session. And, the proof is in the pudding. It’s like that session flipped a switch inside me. I had been struggling with certain things related to vocal technique in choir, and magically, I knew how to fix them all Sunday morning and Monday evening during rehearsal. It worked! And, I wasn’t even planning on it to fix things in that area!

J.S. - Lubbock

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Destiny of Souls Case Studies of Life Between Lives
Past Life Regression

Mark Johnson is beyond the shadow of a doubt a master of his trade as a Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist. He helped me discover some very deep hidden truths I would have never have dreamed of on my own.

C.A. - New Orleans

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Past Life Regression

Ever since my Past Life Regression session with you I have had a number of ah-ha moments. In addition, I feel a lot of what I've been carrying around for a long time (grief surrounding loss of family) hsd lifted from me. The ah-ha thoughts come in the morning after my shower and I can hardly wait to grab a pen and paper to write it down! I feel much relief and am shedding the grief surrounding loss of family and love.

L.B. - Dallas

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Past Life Regression

At first I thought I was making things up but I left with a feeling of love and gratitude to my guides and the violet light. I felt loved and cared for and very proud of the work I am doing. During my session I remember going in this big library full of books and me touching the books to get the knowledge. I wanted to go to the stars more than anything because I felt I was one of them. Maybe next time.

R.A. - New Orleans

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training
Dallas, Houston, Phoenix
Chicago, Atlanta, Nashville

Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training
Prepare for Past Life Regression Training
Hypnosis Training to Support Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners

Have you ever considered Learning Hypnotherapy? Many people have an interest in studying hypnosis for a variety of reasons. This is an interesting and exciting career and there are many different paths to follow when you become a Certified Hypnotherapist. The primary goal of those who decide to learn hypnosis is to help people, and there are many different ways to help people when it comes to hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Hypnotherapy Training for Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Practitioners and students of Dr. Brian Weiss who are serious about providing their clients with the best possible experience owe it to their clients and themselves to learn hypnosis. While both Brian Weiss and Dolores Cannon offer their own amazing versions of Past Life Regression instruction, their training provides minimal instruction in Hypnotherapy, which is the foundation of Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis.

Quantum Healing Hypnosis

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training has worked with many students who studied with Brian Weiss as well as Dolores Cannon before they took our Hypnotherapy Training. These students have reported that our Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training provided them with what they needed to offer more effective and beneficial Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions for their clients.

I also offer my own Past Life Regression Training, however I require my students to start with Hypnotherapy Training first, before they make the decision to enroll in my Past Life Regression Training. Good Vibes Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Training provides a solid foundation as you learn what you need to know to help people with more traditional hypnotherapy sessions.

My students with prior training with Dolores Cannon and Brian Weiss have reported that their Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions are even more powerful than before they took my Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. This training also prepares the beginner with what they need to know to eventually learn how to facilitate Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression sessions.

Pizza with Michael Newton

A casual evening out for pizza with Michael.

While my Hypnotherapy Training and Past Life Regression Training classes prepare my students to take the Life Between Lives Training with The Newton Institute, I only teach Life Between Lives in classes sponsored by The Newton Institute. In addition, I do not teach the the Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Training and I do not offer Brain Weiss' Past Life Regression Training. While I do not teach these classes, I have studied with Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon and Brian Weiss, among many others. I also learned a great deal from my father, who continues to assist me in sessions from the spirit world.

I recall watching my father hypnotize people when I was young. Although I never thought this is where I'd be at this point in my life, I would not change a thing, even if I had a chance. My father once told me that I am doing what he really wanted to do. If he could have done whatever he wanted, he would have done exactly what I am doing. He did not feel he could support the family the way we were accustomed to, so he decided to continue his career as a physician. He enjoyed hypnotizing people at his office and at home, but hypnosis was not his career.

I work as a hypnotherapist and see clients for a variety of different reasons. While many people contact me about Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression, I work with a variety of other challenges using more traditional hypnotherapy. These include hypnosis to stop smoking, lose weight, relieve stress and anxiety as well as for performance anxiety, insomnia and relationship problems in addition to other challenges in life.

After years of experience working with clients I began to teach Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Certification Classes because the world needs more qualified hypnotherapists to help people make positive changes in their lives. Many of my Hypnotherapy students decide to learn about Past Life Regression after they become a Certified Hypnotherapist. Since Past Life Regression is an advanced area of hypnosis I only accept Past Life Regression students who are certified in Hypnotherapy.

Why Do You Need to Learn Hypnosis to be an Effecitive Past Life Regression Therapist?

That's an interesting question. Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioners use hypnosis to guide their clients back to explore Past Lives. So it only makes sense that learning a variety of different hypnosis processes and techniques would help them to be more effective when it comes to guiding their clients back to past lives and connecting with spirit duringQuantum Healing Hypnosis sessions.

Some people are excited about the possibility of exploring Past Lives, yet they need additional work before they are ready to explore past lives. Last year the wife of a student came to me for a variety of issues, that included anxiety as well as other more challenging issues. We started with several hypnosis sessions. She decided to experience the Quantum Healing Hypnosis session when she came in for her 3rd session. During that session I was talking with her spirit guide. I asked her guide if it helped her to start with the hypnosis sessions before the Quantum Healing Hypnosis session. Her guide responded, "You would not be talking to me now if she had not had those other sessions."

The other thing to understand is that often there is a need to include hypnotherapy processes as part of the Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions. Sometimes it takes more work just to help the client reach the appropriate state required to connect with past lives or to connect with higher self or spirit guides. Often there are additional benefits to using various hypnosis processes after the past life part of the session to help the client to better integrate their experience or to complete the healing process.

It's not uncommon for me to include different hypnosis techniques and processes before I emerge the client. Without including this work, the client might not receive the maximum benefit from their session with me. During the session, I put my client first and do all I can to provide them with the best experience possible. I instill that attitude in all of my hypnotherapy students as well as my Past Life Regression students.

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training

The Good VIbes Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Training and Past Life Regression Training have been approved by The Michael Newton for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy Alliance Training Programs. These classes meet the educational requirements to qualify for Life Between Lives Training with the Newton Institute.

Good Vibes Hypnosis Hypnotherapy Certification Training is available in Dallas, Phoenix, Houston, Chicago, Nashville, New Orleans and Atlanta. Past Life Regression Certification Training is currently available in Dallas, TX and Phoenix, AZ, though it may be offered other locations in the future.

Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training

Hypnotherapy Certification

220 Hour Hypnotherapy Training Course
Combined Classroom and Self Directed Study

Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training

Mark is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist as well as a Second generation Past life Regression Therapist. His depth of knowledge has been acquired through a combination of training with the most well respected Hypnotherapists and his extensive experience facilitating these sessions.

He has studied with Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Gil Boyne, Ormond McGill, Paul Aurand, Roy Hunter, David Quigley, Randal Churchill and Gerald Kein, among others. Mark has traveled from coast to coast to teach as well as attend hypnotherapy training and conferences as an attendee and a presenter.

Good Vibes Hypnosis Training students come from Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Tyler, New Orleans, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Houston, Kansas and even as far away as Utah, Nevada, California, Oregon, Georgia, Virginia, and India. So it does not matter if you live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, Austin or even Louisiana, Oklahoma or Missouri, Good Vibes Hypnosis Training is available to you.

Prior training in Hypnotherapy is not required to attend this training. It is not necessary to be a counselor or psychologist to enroll in this training. That said it is not uncommon for licensed professionals to enroll on our Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression training.

Additional information on Hypnotherapy Training

Announcing Hypnotherapy Training in...

Dallas - Phoenix - Chicago - Houston - Nashville

Select a location for details on training in specific locations

This Hypnotherapy Training is presented by Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Center which is not licensed by the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC). Good Vibes Hypnosis Training Center has received an exemption from TWC, E-4434, and is allowed to teach this class in Dallas.

Now is the time for you to learn

This training qualifies you to become a
Certified Hypnotherapist with IACT

Give me a call at 214-432-6624 for more information about this program.

Learn Hypnotherapy with this exciting Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training. Prepare to learn Past Life Regression or discover what you need to know to make your Past Life Regression and Quantum healing Hypnosis sessions even more powerful for your clients. You owe it to yourself and to your clients to have a solid foundation in hypnosis in order to be the most effective Past Life Regression Therapist/

With this Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training, you can begin helping people make positive changes in their lives even after level 1. The class includes classroom instruction and self directed study to qualify for certification. Good Vibes Hypnosis Training is available in Dallas, Phoenix, Chicago, Houston, Atlanta, Nashville and New Orleans.

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

Good Vibes Hypnotherapy Training

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Alchemy Institute

International Association of
Counselors and Therapists

Certified Life Between Lives Therapist

Life Between Lives Instructor and

Former Director of Operations for

The Newton Institute

Register today or call to find out more about our exciting
Past Life Regression Training in Dallas, Texas.

Office: 214-432-6624

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