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Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Regression

More than anything else, I was blown away by the overwhelming emotional connection that I felt to the experience. The joy and sadness brought about physical reactions that were impossible to ignore. What a wonderful opportunity to connect with another piece of yourself and to see that those you have close now will always be close because it's been that way for many years and lives before. Everyone should try this at least once. Thanks again!

H.J. - Oklahoma City

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Destiny of Souls Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Past Life Regression

Regarding the Past Life work that I did with you over a year ago, words can’t describe how valuable it’s been for me. The revelation not only answered a lot of questions but it gave me a sense of purpose that I didn’t have before.

P.Y. - Dallas

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Past Life Regression

I just wanted to say thanks again for the session and everything that we spoke about. I have been putting myself into hypnosis every now and then since we met and it's so great to feel like I can easily clear my mind! I have also had a much clearer understanding of what direction I am headed because of everything that came up in the past lives, so great!

K.G. - Dallas

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Past Life Regression

At first I thought I was making things up but I left with a feeling of love and gratitude to my guides and the violet light. I felt loved and cared for and very proud of the work I am doing. During my session I remember going in this big library full of books and me touching the books to get the knowledge. I wanted to go to the stars more than anything because I felt I was one of them. Maybe next time.

R.A. - New Orleans

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of mind where the conscious mind becomes less critical, allowing the subconscious mind to readily accept positive suggestions.

While in hypnosis a person’s level of awareness as well as their senses are heightened. They experience a focusing of the mind which enables them to create and accept change.

Every person experiences the hypnotic state several times a day. For example right before falling asleep at night, it is the drowsy feeling when the mind is still aware, right be fore you drop off to sleep. Children are in hypnosis while they are mesmerized in front of a television, reading a book or even playing a video game. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state.

Hypnosis Facts and Fiction

Hypnosis Facts

You are always in control when you are in Hypnosis. The conscious mind is always present, guarding against the unacceptable.

There has never been a case of someone being stuck in Hypnosis.

You will remember everything that happens.During hypnosis a person is very alert, aware and completely in control.

The more intelligent a person, the better subject they make.

Hypnosis is a voluntary state which the client can terminate whenever they desire.

Hypnosis is not sleep

Hypnosis Fiction

Hypnosis is a form of mind control or brainwashing.

A person can be made to do or say anything while in hypnosis.

When a person is hypnotized they are totally out of it and will not remember anything at all.

A person can become ‘stuck’ in hypnosis and may never emerge.

A person cannot lie while in hypnosis.

A person has to be weak willed, stupid or crazy to allow themselves to become hypnotized.

For more details check out

Misconceptions About Hypnosis

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Alchemy Institute

International Association of
Counselors and Therapists

Certified Life Between Lives Therapist

Life Between Lives Instructor and

Former Director of Operations for

The Newton Institute

To make positive, powerful changes in your life, call or email now!

Office: 214-432-6624

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