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Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

Thank you so Much Mark for the session yesterday. It was very powerful. I loved putting the filter in the cord between me and my mother while in the womb!!! The clearing you did was strongly felt by me then and now. This morning I am very aware of the removal of my block!!!!! Hightly recommend you!

R.S. - Charleston

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

I recently had a session with Mark for Past Life Regression and while I am still processing the information I received, I can report that the experience had a profound effect on me. After spending a considerable amount of time educating me on the process and learning about my expectations for the session, Mark was able to take me into an incredibly relaxed hypnotic state very quickly and with ease. After recalling pleasant childhood memories from this lifetime, we visited two of past lives where I was able to gain insight into the possible influences from those lifetimes that have impacted my current lifetime. Mark also helped me identify my guides and connect specifically with one guide that I am now able to comfortably connect with anytime. During the session, Mark helped me release recurring feelings of guilt and shame that I believe carried over from a past life, as well as emotions that may be the root cause of recurring physical pain from migraines. The self-hypnosis guide that Mark left me with has proved useful already and he made the recording of our

C.S. - Dallas

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

After less than positive experience with another practitioner I thought that I was unable to regress to a past life, but Mark proved the opposite! I had very productive 5 hours session in Houston with Mark and can confirm that he has amazing skills to put you into the hypnosis state within few minutes and walk you through your childhood memories to your past reincarnations. The session had very therapeutic effect on me. Finally I can connect all the dots. I got the knowledge where the issues are coming from and what needs to be done to resolve them. For me it is very valuable to get to know myself and my personal history better. As valuable bonus to the session I got tips how to do self hypnosis and how to communicate with my Spirit Guide on regular basis. I highly recommend Mark to anybody who is interested in having a Past Life Regression experience. I am very excited to do Life between lives session during his next visit to Houston.

C.A. - Houston

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Journey of Souls Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

Very experienced hypnotherapist, i felt extremely comfortable the entire time and gained some much needed insight on my life.

J.A. - Houston

Pre-LBL Training

Prepare for Life Between Lives Training with the Michael Newton Institute

Past Life Regression Dallas

Embark on a transformative journey with our specialized Pre-Life Between Lives (Pre-LBL) Training, a unique program tailored for those eager to deepen their regression therapy skills and for aspirants meeting the qualifications for the Michael Newton Institute's Life Between Lives Regression Training. This two-day immersive experience is designed to equip you with the specialized regression techniques pioneered by Dr. Michael Newton, setting a solid foundation for your advancement into the LBL Training.

Whether you are a seasoned past life regression therapist seeking to integrate the Michael Newton method of regression through childhood, womb/in-utero, and past lives into your practice, or you're on the path to becoming an LBL facilitator but haven't yet met the institute's requirements, this training is your gateway. Our comprehensive Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression Certification programs are also available for those looking to fulfill the prerequisites for the LBL training.

Hynotherapy and Past Life Regresion Training and Experience are required to attend this Pre-LBL Training.

This experiential workshop blends enlightening lectures, live demonstrations, and hands-on practice under the guidance of Mark V Johnson, a Second-Generation Past Life Regression Therapist, accompanied by his team of skilled practitioners. Together, they offer a nurturing environment for learning and personal growth.

Throughout this journey, you will:

  1. Master the transition from regression therapy to becoming a Life Between Lives facilitator, shifting from a client-centered to a soul-centered approach.
  2. Learn to induce soul state consciousness, utilizing conscious, subconscious, and superconscious states.
  3. Navigate beyond the death scene, exploring four distinct pathways to the spirit world and tapping into its vast resources.
  4. Skillfully manage the various consciousness levels present during an LBL regression, ensuring a profound and safe experience for your clients.

This live online training welcomes participants from across the globe, accommodating a wide range of time zones with a focus on making this transformative experience accessible to all. As a rare opportunity for personalized instruction and supervised practice sessions, this course not only promises to enhance your professional skills but also offers deeply personal transformational experiences.

Seize this chance to follow in the footsteps of pioneers like Dr. Michael Newton, under the expert tutelage of Award Winning Instructor Mark V Johnson. This Pre-LBL Training is not just an educational endeavor; it's a journey of discovery, offering insights into the soul's journey and preparing you to guide others with newfound depth and understanding. Join us for an unforgettable exploration into the realms of past lives and the spaces in between, where every session is a step closer to the essence of our beings.

Thanks for exploring our Pre-LBL Training. To make sure you are ready for this training, please Schedule a FREE Visit with Mark on Zoom. Then when you are ready you can

Past Life Regression Dallas

Pre-LBL Training Dates

The Good Vibes Hypnosis Online Pre-LBL Training is meeting online on Zoom on the following Dates:

The hours for the training are 10 am to 6 pm central time.

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

Good Vibes Past Life Regression Training

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Alchemy Institute

International Association of
Counselors and Therapists

Certified Life Between Lives Therapist

Life Between Lives Instructor and

Former Director of Operations for

The Newton Institute

Register today or call to find out more about our exciting
Past Life Regression Training in Dallas, Texas.

Office: 214-432-6624

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