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Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

It's been a few months since my past life regression session & I have been profoundly touched by the assistance given. Many things that I felt were confirmed. I have used many tools in my grief therapy and this one was such a lamp. I am now preparing for a second session(it is very overwhelming in my opinion and mentally freeing but exhausting at the same time)to continue on my healing journey and I truly consider it an educational investment. It's one of those things that once you have knowledge can't be taken away from you. Highly recommend. I prepared prior to my first session by simple audio meditation so that I would be familiar and comfortable with the process but I really felt like Mark walks you through it all so it's not a necessity.

Bayou Chic - New Orleans

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Destiny of Souls Case Studies of Life Between Lives

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

This was my first experience with hypnosis and past life regression; I wasn't sure what to expect but I had hope that this would help me understand who I am and some of the events that have occurred in my 62 years of living. Mark spent a lot of time laying the groundwork and preparing me for a very relaxing experience. The time went by so fast, before I knew it 4 hours which seemed like 2 had passed by and I kept thinking I want it to continue. Mark first had me relax and brought me to happy childhood memories, then we went back to my mother's womb. It was vague for me, yet I felt a strong feeling of love and bonding from my mother. In the past life I could recall and sense feelings, smells, even had a sense of taste in the moment. After the experience I was even more curious and started to realize things that I wasn't aware of during the session. Mark is very good at what he does and will make sure to give you his time and energy to help you through your journey and to help you understand your questions. I am very grateful for this opportunity.

T.H. - California

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

My session with Mark was awesome. I feel that since my past life regression i have been more connected to myself than ever before. I feel that my intuition has grown and I can trust it. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me and I'm more stress and anxiety free. This experience was so interesting and I recommend everyone to try it out.

A.B. - Dallas

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

Super experience! Would highly recommend. The session I had with Mark has profoundly changed my life in so many positive ways. I have been able to release pain in my shoulder that has been there my whole life, improve my diet, sleep better, improve family relationships and given me confidence to move forward in my work.

K. Kraft. - Houston

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

After less than positive experience with another practitioner I thought that I was unable to regress to a past life, but Mark proved the opposite! I had very productive 5 hours session in Houston with Mark and can confirm that he has amazing skills to put you into the hypnosis state within few minutes and walk you through your childhood memories to your past reincarnations. The session had very therapeutic effect on me. Finally I can connect all the dots. I got the knowledge where the issues are coming from and what needs to be done to resolve them. For me it is very valuable to get to know myself and my personal history better. As valuable bonus to the session I got tips how to do self hypnosis and how to communicate with my Spirit Guide on regular basis. I highly recommend Mark to anybody who is interested in having a Past Life Regression experience. I am very excited to do Life between lives session during his next visit to Houston.

C.A. - Houston

Skype and Zoom Past Life Regression
Past Life Regression Over Zoom

Sessions in Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Austin, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, Atlanta and Charleston, S.C.

When you have made up your mind to experience a
Zoom or Skype Past Life Regression session you can

Schedule Online

Skype Past Life Regression Zoom Past Life Regression

As a result of the events of 2020, I began to work online since I could not meet with clients in person. What I discovered was that many of my clients who had worked with me in person before actually prefer working online. Their experiences have been nothing short of amazing. THere are some who say that these sessions should only be done in person. I have fund that is not true, as long as we are prepared for any challenges, you can have your own life changing experince.

Skype and Zoom Past Life Regression Sessions are available from anywhere in the world! Schedule your FREE Past Life Regression Consultation to get started. For a Past Life Regression over Skype or Zoom, all you need is an internet connection on a laptop, phone or tablet and you can experience a Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis or Life Between Lives Zoom or Skype session.

Life Between Lies is no available ONLINE!

Past Life Regression
Quantum Healing Hypnosis,
What's The Difference?

In he video below, Mark discusses Past Life Regression and Quantum Healing Hypnosis. This is the same information he shares when clients call on the phone for more information about the different sessions.

3 Step Process to Discover More

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There are several different reasons people decide to schedule Zoom and Skype Past Life Regression sessions. In the past I traveled to a variety of different locations, these days I have decided to continue working online, even after the lockdowns have ended. I am available for Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives sessions on Skype for those in remote locations and for those who are in the Dallas area. I have decided to move all my sessions online

I have experienced many Past Life Regression sessions myself over Skype with friends from around the world and they have been fantastic, mainly because I was able to decide who I wanted to regress me, without having to worry about the location or traveling to their location.

Skype Past Life Regression

In the past when I traveled to other locations for sessions, many clients wanted to experience the Life Between Lives session. Since it is important to start with a Past Life Regression or Quantum Healing Hypnosis session before experiencing the spirit world in a Life Between Lives session, clients often scheduled a session on Skype so they were ready when I traveled to teir location. Now iff the intial session and the Life Between Lives online, so you do not have to wait util I come to your location for your Life Between Lives session.

When you make up your mind to schedule your Skype Past Life Regression session, you have more time to process the Past Life Regression experience and integrate the experience before going through the LBL experience. I had clients in San Antonio, Houston, Charleston and Oklahoma City schedule a Skype Past Life Regression session over the last fw years year to prepare for a Life Between Lives session. They had amazing experiences.

Another reason people decide to experience a Zoom - Skype Past Life Regression session is that they are not anywhere near a well trained and experienced Past Life Regression Therapist. If this sounds like you, then you can scheduleg a Past Life Regression over Skype. In other words, you are able to experience the Past Life Regression experience without the additional travel expenses. I have found it's important to visit with the client before you make the decision to schedule a Skype Past Life Regression session. Schedule your FREE Past Life Regression Consultation as the first step on your journey.

In the past, people have traveled 2-4 or more hours to experience Past Life Regression, Life Between Lives and Quantum Healing sessions with me in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, New Orleans, Hot Springs and Charleston. I have even had a few people who wanted to experience the Life Between Lives session fly from as far away as Mexico and Qatar. I have also had Skype sessions with people from Washington State to Florida as well as Long Island and even as far away as Kuwait and Germany.

So you want to schedule a Past Life Regression session but are unable to find someone in your area who has the training and experience to assist you in having a powerful experience. A Skype Past Life Regression session may be your solution.

Perhaps you have made the decision to schedule a Past Life Regression session but you are not satisfied that those who offer Past Life Regression in your area have the knowledge and experience to help you have a powerful experience. That means it is time to contact Mark and experience a Past Life Regression with Skype or Zoom.

Many hypnotists have been offering phone hypnosis sessions for many years. Zoom and Skype sessions include video which makes the session as close to being there as possible. Call Mark or Schedule your FREE Past Life Regression Consultation and find out if you are ready for a Zoom - Skype Past Life Regression session, and prepare to have an amazing experience.

Life Between Lives Over Skype

While I do not typically offer Life Between Lives sessions over Zoom or Skype, I have decided to make a special offer to those who are unable to travel to see me in person. I do have some specific requirements in order to schedule a Life Between Lives over Zoom or Skype.

I have discovered that some of the best Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives sessions are with those who have started with a hypnotherapy session first before scheduling any sort of spiritual regression sessions. In order to acess the spirit world, it is important that the client have experience with hypnosis, so they can access the soul memories in the Life Between Lives session.

In my offices where I work, I require that the client start with a Past Life Regression before they schedule the Life Between Lives session. Over Zoom and Skype I require both an initial Hypnotherapy Session and a Past Life Regression or Quantum Healing Hypnosis session before scheduing a Life Between Lives over Zoom or Skype. If you really want to explore a Zoom or Skype Life Between Lives session, then this is the path that is required. Please contact me for more information.

Actually the idea of scheduling a Hypnosis session before any past life regression is a wonderful idea. Michael Newton started out this way. He would schedule a hypnosis session first, followed by a past life regression session. Then after that he'd schedule the Life Between Lives. After his first book was published he only offered LBL sessions, but suggested his clients experience a Past Life Regression with someone else first.

Skype Past Life Regression

Skype and Zoom Past Life Regression sessions are safe and just as effective as a live session, in fact it can be better because you are not limited to the Past Life Regression Practitioners in your local area. You can find a Past Life Regression Therapist with more knowledge and experience when you have a larger selection of people to choose from.

When you decide to experience a Zoom or Skype Past Life Regression session you can schedule your session below.

Go ahead, give Mark a call and find out if this is a good fit for you. While his travel schedule is often booked several months out, when he is in Dallas it's not uncommon to be able to schedule within a week or 2. You have read this far, you have made the decision that you want to have a powerful Past Life Regression Experience, so call now to find out more about this opportunity to work with a well trained, knowledgeable and experienced Past Life Regression Therapist when you experience your Past Life Regression session over Skype.

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

The Newton Institute of Spiritual Regression

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Alchemy Institute

International Association of
Counselors and Therapists

Certified Life Between Lives Therapist

Life Between Lives Instructor and

Former Director of Operations for

The Newton Institute

Call today to schedule your Skype Past Life Regression Session.

Office: 214-432-6624

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