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Good Vibes Hypnosis Dallas - Hypnosis Training and Services

Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

As a fellow therapist and teacher I am impressed by Mark's ability to create a session, listen and hold the space and guide with patience and innovation.. His voice is wonderful, his creative and individual induction and guidance throughout the session and after were impressive and have taught me about other ways of being a wonderful therapist. His ability and patience to listen and help formulate a focus and understanding of what I was looking for. Sometimes we need the patience of a great therapist to arrive to a clarity for often when we are feeling challenged by life we may not have such a clear awareness. For us to learn what we are seeking, understand what we need and receive from a session a clear sense of what our next steps can be is a great gift. I look forward to returning to work with Mark from time to time and highly recommending any one including fellow therapists to work with him.

A.L. - Italy

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Past Life Review

5-Star Google Review

It's been years since my session with Mark, but it certainly showed me patterns throughout lifetimes. Very eye opening experience. I would definitely see him again if I had the opportunity!

MJ - Zoom

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Past Life Regression Dallas


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Thanks for visiting Past Life Regression Dallas. There is plenty of information here about Past Life Regression, Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression. If you are searching for hynotherapy, please visit Good Vibes Hypnosis.

Schedule Your FREE Past Life Regression Consultation with Second Generation Past Life Regression Therapist Mark Johnson to find out more about Spiritual Regression. Mark will spend time helping you better understand what we do and the benefits people gain from these sessions. Perhaps you have read books by Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon and Michael Newton, I studied with all of them. The next step is to experience a session for yourself, so that you can better understand your own past abd the spirit world beyond the Earth plane.

Mark V Johnson
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Alchemical Hypnotherapist
Certified Master Trainer
Dallas, Texas

American Council of Hypnotist Examiners

Alchemy Institute

International Association of
Counselors and Therapists

Certified Life Between Lives Therapist

Life Between Lives Instructor and

Former Director of Operations for

The Newton Institute

To make positive, powerful changes in your life, call or email now!

Office: 214-432-6624

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